Funeral Information
For families losing a loved one, planning a funeral can be overwhelming. During this time of grief, we extend to you the comforting love and grace of Jesus Christ, and we want to provide the best care that we can for you.
During a funeral or memorial service, the church is bold to proclaim that the loved one who has died has been raised to new life in Christ and is now gathered with the saints in communion with God. The church building is a holy space, and we invite those affiliated with the congregation to use the church for the service of your loved one.
If the decision is made to have a service at High Street UMC, we hope that the following information will be helpful:
• Please contact the church as soon as possible, and provide full contact information at that time. It is very important that the church be contacted before scheduling a time for the funeral or memorial service. The ministerial staff will be informed immediately. If a particular minister is requested, the availability of the minister will be determined. Only clergy appointed to High Street UMC may preside at worship services (including funerals) at High Street.
• There are set costs for the services of the organist, a soloist (if requested), other musicians (as requested), audio & video technicians, as well as for bulletins for the service. Under certain circumstances, there may be other costs. Please contact the office for this information. The funeral home will often work with the church to include these costs, or the family can work with the church directly.
The pastors regularly officiate at funerals which are held at mortuaries and chapels located off-site. However, please contact the church office to schedule the services before the time for the service has been set. The pastoral staff almost always can provide options for the time of the service, but families need to work out a time that is workable for both the family and the officiating pastor.
(765) 747-8500
219 S. High St.
Muncie, IN 47305