
As I write this, we’ve just completed our summer sermon arc on discipleship. But we never really finish discipleship, do we? Discipleship is a life-long journey.

 One of the last major projects I led at my last church appointment was the creation and launch of a Discipleship Pathway for that church. I had a committed group of church members of varying ages, different ranges of Biblical understanding, different amounts of time they’d been part of the church, and wide ranges of comfort in leadership. That diversity was invaluable in building our Discipleship Pathway to meet the needs of all persons who were part of that faith community. It centered around our five vows of membership: prayer, presence, gifts, witness, and service; and there were levels within each of those paths as we traveled along the discipleship path.

 We sometimes forget that Jesus didn’t call us to make new members, or to have members for a certain number of years. He called us to make disciples: disciples to transform the world.

 When I joined my home church (so many years ago), one of the requirements in our new members class was to interview one of the church leaders – both to get to know them and to find out why they served in a leadership capacity within the church. I’ve never forgotten what the person I interviewed said: “You get out of church what you’re willing to put into it.”

 As we’re readying ourselves for our stewardship season, we’re called to remember that stewardship isn’t a once-a-year thing: it’s an all-year thing. We’re stewards of the gifts – of everything – that God has given to us. We’re called to use them wisely, generously, and graciously, for the good of God’s creation. All of the gifts: our time, our talent, and our treasure (or as our vows state it: our prayers, presence, gifts, witness, and service).

 This is part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Part of accepting the call. Part of learning to grow and imagining a new reality. Part of seeking the face of God, and being the face of God for others. A journey that continues throughout our lives. Are you ready? Excited? Because God’s counting on you – on us – as Jesus’ disciples to carry on his work in his world that he loves so much.


Gospel Air*


Hello / Goodbye!