
We’ll be celebrating the confirmation of some of our youth on May 14 th during the 10am service. It’s been a few years since High Street UMC had a service of confirmation, I thought a brief refresher on what confirmation is about would be good for all of us.

“Confirmation” is a moment of recognition of the work of God’s grace in the life of a person previously baptized as well as a full embrace of being a disciple of Jesus in one own’s right. In many United Methodist congregations, preparation for confirmation begins when youth enter their junior high school years (seventh or eighth grade).

A time of preparation may continue through junior high and into the high school years. Most United Methodist churches offer a formal process with a class or group leading to the ritual of confirmation for those who choose to receive it and are deemed ready to do so by their pastor.

Our group of confirmands have worked with their mentors one-on-one, studying scripture, individual lessons on essential doctrines and practices within the church, have attended worship services at other faith communities, and have attended group lessons with the pastors. They’ve also written up short reflections on their experiences, served in our own church, and discussed their experiences with their mentors. All this is designed to help them learn about the vows of membership and discern whether or not to join High Street UMC as confirmation draws to an end. The choice is theirs.

It’s important to note that confirmation is not becoming a member of the church universal. Baptism already celebrated that! Second, confirmation is a person’s first public affirmation of the faith of the church as being his or her own faith. In other words, the confirmand is taking responsibility for living as a member of the body of Christ and for fulfilling God’s purposes. It’s a special time for experiencing divine grace and for consciously embracing one’s Christian vocation as a part of the priesthood of all believers.

In other words, confirmation preparation aims at leading youth and others to embrace their vocation — the calling of God to live and witness to the reign of God announced in Jesus Christ.

We’re very proud of everything our confirmands have done during their confirmation preparation journey, and of the gentle guidance their mentors have provided along the way. We know you will be as well.




Equipping the Saints.